Sunday, April 20, 2008

MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 2008 #$%~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Fear..... the one thing which I hate the most... each of us are scared of so many things around and in the current sophisticated and line driven lifestyles, we never realize rather would say, are never bothered about our fears and on how to over come them.... I always believe that doing things which you are scared of is the only way to get away with it. Thinking about this, i had a weird thought in my head, to try out some adventure for year 2008 and would probably will try to take it forward every year trying something new. So here we go.....

I wanted to go get to a remote place or far from the city I currently live in, ask my friends to take away all my cash, cards, cellphone and leave me alone with my Identity Card which says who I am. Just not to be too much adventurous (which I would luv to) i might try out my target between San Antonio, TX and Austin, TX. I really wanted to see what I would do to get from San Antonio to Austin and off course the last option is to go to a COP, but now that really is not an adventure anymore. I would rather try to do trying to earn money within a short span of time with what I am and what I can do at that moment. 

I believe there will be great lessons which learnt from this adventure. Keep waiting for my results of this adventure...



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