Is this World Real or just a speculation ?
I always wonder what reality is? Are we living in the real world or a world speculated by some complex mechanism evolved out of human intelligence.
We live in a world shown or speculated by the media. We only see facts published in the media and there are million things in this world which are never exposed by media. If media wasn’t interested in Britney spears crap or any other celebrity spicy relationships we would have never discussed about celebrities so often. On the +ve side, we get to know the few of socio-economic conditions around us only through media.
Talking to one of my journalist friend, I was so scared to listen to few truths about the politics and other hidden truths which never get released out in the media as they could do a major damage to the people’s thought process.
I had been reading about Gandhiji for long time from my child hood and all through read only good things without any mistakes ever made by him. I hardly can believe that a human could be so perfectionist without committing a single mistake in his life. The success of “Satyagraham” drive was mainly due to the media and people publishing the moment so heavily across the country. If the media and people did the same with Bhagath Singh’s “Hindustan Socialist Republican Association (HSRA)”, probably India would have got independence way before. I cannot comment anymore as I myself am not aware of complete facts.
The whole point around this was living in a world of speculation.