Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Google's File System

Trying to develop applications, I always ended up with some technology with out a good reason. Thinking about scalability, I knew that, I would be hit on the performance of Information Retrieval. I never want to compromise on at least the IR as it directly effects the QoS to my customer. I then starting peeking into the best i know in the world for IR "Google". Here you go.. enlighten your selves and make decisions by analyzing your long-term goals.

The Google File System The Google File System Eddie Awad We have designed and implemented the Google File System,a scalable distributed file system for large distributeddata-intensive applications. It provides fault tolerance whilerunning on inexpensive commodity hardware, and it delivershigh aggregate performance to a large number of clients.In this paper, we present file system interface extensionsdesigned to support distributed applications, discuss manyaspects of our design, and report measurements from bothmicro-benchmarks and real world use.